Using an old Ladybird book I picked up in a charity shop recently I have made 2 pieces of bunting. The first hangs at the start of the hallway, opposite my "rude" postcard wall. The detailed pictures are just beautiful to look at each time you go past and are really far to nice to be stuck in a dusty old book.
And the second banner hangs the opposite end of the hallway, which gives a lovely symmetry to the room. I'm hoping that with a few more touches I can make my hallway feel quite beachy/nautical.
I have also been using an old Atlas for some crafty makings this week. Such as making washi tape and covering some notebooks. The photo really doesn't do these guys justice, they have come out beautifully!!! I'm having serious thoughts about covering some of the books on my hallway bookshelf to add to my theme.
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Loving the banners and the covers for your books all look awesome!